Guide to Tampa Bay Schools

Dorothy C. York Innovation Academy

Dorothy C. York Innovation Academy

5995 Covington Garden Drive

Apollo Beach FL 33572

Telephone: 813-533-2400

Dorothy C. York Innovation Academy  will open this year as a focused Project Lead the Way Robotics and Engineering Magnet School as it pursues adding a world-renown International Studies program. Located in Apollo Beach, the York Admirals will participate in hands-on, project-based learning, focusing on STEM, arts, and international studies. The Admirals will also work collaboratively in innovative labs full of robotics and have robust one-to-one technology available to them to explore their interests in a 21st-century setting. York Innovation Academy will provide families with a well-rounded educational experience that prepares students for high school and provides an understanding of the world and their place in it.

  • Enrollment: 1,426
  • Grades: K-8
  • Tuition: Free
  • Amenities: Uniforms, Sports, Arts

Dorothy C. York Innovation Academy students giving thumbs Up

Dorothy C. York Innovation Academy students

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