Corbett Prep Students at the airport show the Benefits of Global Learning

5 Reasons It’s Good to Go Global

We love to ask little kids what they want to be when they grow up. But the truth is that the world is changing so quickly that students today will enter a future filled with jobs, challenges and opportunities we are yet to imagine.

As adults, we have witnessed the transformative power of technology from the advent of the internet and smartphones to the rise of virtual reality and Artificial Intelligence. Technological innovations have reshaped how people play, communicate, work and interact in an increasingly interconnected world.

Faced with this rapidly changing global landscape, students need to develop adaptable skills, such as critical thinking, creativity and digital literacy, alongside a deep understanding of global issues. By equipping students with tools to navigate and thrive in an unpredictable future, schools ensure students are ready to lead and innovate.

At Corbett Prep, global learning is more than just a curriculum component. It is interwoven into daily life and extends to families as well. Preparing students to succeed in a diverse and dynamic world requires an educational approach that transcends traditional boundaries and embraces the richness of diversity.

Corbett Prep students on a study abroad trip sitting on a hilltop show the benefits of global learning

5 Benefits of Global Learning

Global learning encompasses the knowledge, skills and attitudes that prepare students to contribute to an interconnected world. It involves understanding cultural differences, recognizing global issues and developing the ability to communicate and collaborate across cultures.

Students who are taught to think globally benefit in these five ways:

  1. Increased Sensitivity and Cultural Awareness: Experiencing diverse cultures helps children appreciate differences and fosters empathy. By understanding cultural nuances, we can reduce stereotypes and promote respect for others.
  2. Enhanced Communication Skills: Global learning emphasizes language acquisition and effective communication across cultural barriers. Bilingualism and even multilingualism enhances cognitive abilities and opens up more opportunities in a global job market. Technology also can help with communication—Google Translate and Google Lens are particularly useful when traveling.
  3. Improved Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: Addressing global challenges requires innovative thinking and problem-solving skills. These skills help students learn to approach problems from multiple perspectives and develop creative solutions.
  4. Preparedness for a World Economy: The ability to work and collaborate internationally is increasingly important. Global learning prepares students to engage in a diverse and interconnected workforce.
  5. A Sense of Social Responsibility: Understanding worldwide issues such as poverty, environmental issues, human rights and more instills a sense of responsibility and motivates students to contribute to global solutions. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs)are a great resource for both teachers and families for understanding how children can help.

Corbett Prep students celebrating Chinese New Year show benefits of global learning

Global Learning at Corbett Prep

Whether it’s through engaging classroom discussions, interactive projects or international collaborations, Corbett Prep strives to create an environment where every student feels empowered to explore and understand the world around them. Corbett Prep’s approach includes:

  • An International Curriculum: The International Baccalaureate Programme provides a framework for teachers to incorporate international perspectives into the prekindergarten, elementary and middle school curriculum, allowing students to explore global issues and cultures through various subjects.
  • Language Programs: All Corbett Prep students learn Spanish, and older students can pursue other languages as well, enhancing their ability to communicate across cultures.
  • Travel Programs and Study Abroad: Trips and international study programs immerse students and teachers in different cultures and broaden their world views. In the last two years, teachers have invited parents to join STEM-focused trips to Belize and the Galapagos Islands to learn along with their children. Travel can also provide professional development opportunities for faculty. Recently, teachers and administrators have visited international schools and organizations, gaining insights into trends in international education.
  • Service Learning: We emphasize the importance of social responsibility through service learning projects that address global issues. Students engage in community service locally and learn about opportunities internationally, fostering a sense of global citizenship.
  • Global Partnerships: Long- and short-term collaborations with schools, organizations and universities around the world enrich Corbett Prep students’ learning experiences and provide unique opportunities for cultural exchange. Recently we have hosted both international educators and students from Indonesia, Costa Rica, Spain, Finland and Sweden! An ongoing partnership with Mid Sweden University prompts regular dialogue about innovative educational practices. Four Corbett Prep faculty members are participating in a PhD program in Quality Management through the university as well.

Corbett Prep choir sings about global learning

Global learning is vital for developing well-rounded, empathetic and capable individuals. Curiosity is the spark that ignites a lifelong love of learning.

By exposing our students to diverse cultures, global issues and different perspectives, we encourage them to ask questions, seek out new experiences and think critically about their place in the world. Nurturing their curiosity and compassion empowers them to make meaningful contributions to the world.

*Presented by Corbett Prep | Originally published in the August 2024 issue of Tampa Bay Parenting Magazine.