The Great American Teach-In Helps Students Explore Future Careers
This week, The Great American Teach-In returned to Tampa Bay area schools. The event is part of American Education Week, which is held annually the week before Thanksgiving. It celebrates the public school community across the country and honors those who work in our nation's public schools. During the Teach-In, participants are encouraged to visit classrooms, from kindergarten through 12th grade, to talk about their careers or hobbies. Think of it as the ultimate career day.
Over the years, thousands of volunteers have visited local schools to share their careers and passions. “It's the perfect opportunity for parents, business leaders, and community members to share information with students about careers, hobbies, sports, etc.,” said first-grade teacher, Stacy Kelley. “Our kids thoroughly enjoy the day learning about the big world!” For many students, it gives them insight into future opportunities they may have never considered.

I had the opportunity to speak at Westchase Elementary about what it's like to write for Tampa Bay Parenting Magazine, and what goes into writing for print, online, and the world of the media industry. Two fourth-grade classes wanted to try their hands at being a published writer for the day. The following was written by the students in Ms. Tate and Ms. Swann's classes.
Having a job you love gives you something exciting to look forward to every day. What is something that YOU are most excited about and looking forward to right now?
I am most excited for the Great American Teach-In because it will be the best and I will learn about other jobs. – A.R.
I am most excited for fall break because I can play games, sleep longer, and watch TV. I love fall break. – J.V.
I am most excited for our next field trip this year because the field trip we already did was fun, so I believe the next one will be too. – B.G.
I am most excited for making it to fifth grade. I want to see what middle school looks like. That's what I want to move to fifth grade. – J.B.
I am most excited for winter break because I really miss my elf and it's my favorite holiday. Winter break is what I'm excited for this year. – A.B.
I am most excited for birthdays. My birthday is this Saturday and I gave people invitations to my birthday. It will be fun. I have games and some chips. It will be amazing. This is what I'm excited for this year! – A.S.
What I am most excited for is winter break because I get to have fun with my family. Also, I get to have lots of fun on Christmas. – A.H.
I am most excited when we do fun activities. We will have a great time and everyone will be happy. I hope to do fun activities soon! – K.L.
I am most excited for the upcoming F.A.S.T. tests. I am also excited about moving into fifth grade. That is what I am most excited about this fourth grade year. – B.W.
I am most excited about celebrating my birthday with my class. I can also spend time with my friends. – A.G.
I am most excited for more field trips. I like sitting on the bus with my friends and the one we go on is very fun. – K.L.
I am most excited about Christmas and Thanksgiving break because Christmas is one of my favorite holidays and I get a lot of presents. I'm also excited about Thanksgiving break because I get to eat lots of food and turkey. I also get to take a break from school. – A.L.
I am most excited for beating a gleox in Zelda this year! It gives super good loot! And it is going to be challenging! – C.W.
I am most excited for fall break during fourth grade. I am going to visit my family an eat turkey and pie. – E.G.
What I'm most excited for is Christmas and my elf because you get to do fun activities and have hot cocoa. I'm also ready to see my elf. She is very funny. Her name is Bella. – S.A.
I am most excited for another field trip in fourth grade. I am excited for field trips because I love it when we all go on the bus and have fun! – K.C.
What I am most exited about is my birthday, winter break, going into fifth grade, and fall break because it will be so much fun and cool. – K.M.
I am most excited for winter break because if the cold and that I will decorate my house for winter. And I am excited to go to New York for winter break because I can see a lot of cool things like cool shops and see the ice-skating rink. – E.D.
I am most excited for Christmas break during fourth grade because I am going to South Africa to visit my family. – F.V.Z.
I am most excited for winter break because I am going to get a lot of gifts. I am also excited about spending time with my friends at school. – N.M.
I am most excited for learning in fourth grade. I am also excited for summer break. I am excited for these because fourth grade will be over. – M.G.
I am excited for field trips and fall break. Why I'm excited for field trips is because the class will go somewhere new and have fun! Fall break, I will have fun with my family. We will go out to places. – A.K.
I'm excited for the next field trip and all the next recesses. That's what I'm excited for. – C.C.
I am most excited for winter break. I love winter break because I love the cold and it's fun to have time with family and friends. – F.S.
I am most excited about winter break because we have two weeks off and Christmas! – M.L.
I am most excited for another field trip this year because I get to sit with my friends and be together, explore with them and get to be out of the class. – M.B.
I am excited for our field trip because we are going somewhere new! – M.C.
I am most excited for our JAC (school club) trips. We are going to go zip lining. – E.P.
I am most excited for going to fifth grade and being patrol. When I'm in fifth grade, I'm excited to learn harder math. I wanna be patrol because I get to help kids. – M.D.
I am most excited for summer break and doing the gritty home. I'm excited to do that because I don't have to be stressed about doing good at school. – E.D.
I am most excited for fall break because I get to sleep in for nine days. I can have fun with my parents for nine days. – B.A.
I am most excited about field trips. They seem like they will be super fun! I just can't wait for our next field trip! – A.P.
I am most excited about the next field trip this year. I like riding the bus and going to places I've never been with my classmates and my teacher. I also love going on road trips with my friends, family, teachers, and classmates to experience new activities, places, people, history, and I love to learn new things with the people I know. – A.C.
I am excited for winter break because I love winter time and Christmas. – R.C.
THANK YOU to all the volunteers who made a difference and participated in The Great American Teach-In!
Related: Find some amazing Tampa Bay things to do this weekend!
*All pictures posted with permission