Preventing Cavities this Halloween

The Ooey Gooey Truth About Cavities!

It’s the season of candy, candy and MORE candy, making it the perfect time to ask … what exactly is the science behind cavities? Will an all-night session of snacking on Halloween candy really cause a cavity? And how long should we actually be brushing our teeth?

We’re turning to Dr. Michael McIlwain, with McIlwain Dental Specialists in Tampa and Wesley Chapel, to learn more. So, grab the kiddos, and let’s read on together!

Expert Tips on Preventing Cavities this Halloween

First-: What IS a cavity?

Dr. Michael McIlwain: A cavity is a tiny hole in your tooth that can cause your tooth to hurt and [cause you to] even lose your tooth.


How do they form?

Dr. Michael McIlwain: A cavity is caused by little, tiny sugar bugs that use the sugar you eat to make acid that eats up the tooth.


Can a cavity form overnight if I forget to brush my teeth?

Dr. Michael McIlwain: No. It takes months or years to get a cavity, but if you forget a lot, they can come!


Why is candy so bad for my teeth?

Dr. Michael McIlwain: Candy is pure sugar, which is what the little bugs eat to make the acid that causes cavities.


What’s the worst kind of candy to eat?

Dr. Michael McIlwain: The only good candy is sugar-free, which is not the most fun candy. But sticky, sour and hard candy that stays in between your teeth for a long time is the worst.


I can’t brush my teeth right away, what else can I do? Chew gum? Eat cheese? Eat an apple?

Dr. Michael McIlwain: The best thing to do is to swish and rinse out your mouth with water to try to get the sugar that is on the teeth and in your saliva out of your mouth. A few other ways are to chew sugar-free gum or eat some cheese, fruit or veggies.


How do you treat cavities?

Dr. Michael McIlwain: Traditionally, to treat cavities in kids, you give a shot, drill out the cavities, and get a white filling or metal crown.

Today, we use a laser, which allows us to fix the cavity without giving a shot and without drilling out the cavity. The laser numbs the tooth without a shot, and then we place a white filling. It has never been easier for kids. They have no idea how easy they have it now!


How long should I brush my teeth? As long as the alphabet twice?

Dr. Michael McIlwain: The longer, the better – up to 2 minutes! Try to make it fun or funny. Anything parents can use to brush longer is great! Toothbrushes with all the bells and whistles [that] brush/dance to the beat of their favorite song while listening to a bedtime story, and toothbrush apps are great.

Be creative; the more creative, the more the kids will buy into the nightly routine!

The Ooey Gooey Truth About Cavities!
Dr. Michael McIlwain

Originally published in the October 2024 issue of Tampa Bay Parenting Magazine.