Author: Ashley Marshall

family splashing in pool knows the 5 layers of water safety

The 5 Layers of Water Safety: Tips from Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital

Florida unfortunately leads the nation in child drownings under the age of 5, most of which happen in a residential pool, but there are steps parents can take to avoid a drowning tragedy.

Dr. Jamie Decker and his family

Meet Dr. Decker: Father of 5 and Cardiologist

Dr. Jamie Decker is a dedicated father of five who juggles the demands of his medical career with the joys of fatherhood. Decker is passionate about both of the hats that he wears as a dad and a cardiologist in the Heart Institute at Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital, where he specializes in electrophysiology. “It’s…

Give Back Alex Kulzer

Alex’s Touching ‘Give Back’ Project After Years of Hospital Care

Alex Kulzer stacks hundreds of toys in bins and pushes them proudly through the entrance of Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital. “I’m giving back to my community in a place that I grew up in,” says lifelong patient, 18-year-old Alex. “You never want to say, ‘I grew up in a hospital getting tests done,’ but…

Toy donation

Giving Back to Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital During the Holidays

Giving Back and Spreading cheer while supporting patients and families with hospitalization at Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital.