Car Line

Avoiding Car Line Chaos!

It’s your average Tuesday morning. You’re running late for work. Maybe it’s starting to rain. And car line is taking FOREVER.

Parents are not adhering to the zipper method, kids aren’t prepared to get out of the car, and… Oh my gosh, NO! Did you just see a mom get out of the car, walk around to the backseat, and kiss her kid goodbye?

Okay… Keep your cool.

Patience is key in car line. That’s probably the number one tip. Every school’s car line is different, but being patient is universal.

Christine Cheng is an assistant principal at Northwest Elementary and she works car line nearly every day. We reached out to Ms. Cheng for some tips on how parents and students can help make car line run more smoothly:

  • Have students sit on the correct side of the car, ready to exit as the car stops at the designated spot. We don’t want students to have to walk around the car when they exit.
  • Students should be able to unbuckle/buckle themselves. This tip is specifically for younger students. No one wants to wait as mom or dad has to lean into the backseat to make sure their child is buckled in the car.
  • Parents should stay in the vehicle. Always.
  • Have kids gather backpacks, water bottles and lunchboxes once the car enters the school property so they are ready to go once the car is stopped.
  • Follow all the school car line rules. These rules are put in place for your safety. Yes, sometimes it’s inconvenient that you can’t pull left out of the school, or that you can’t park and walk across the lot, but these rules keep students safe. If you have any questions about your school’s car line rules, your principal will be happy to fill you in.
  • Car tags need to be visible with student names and grade levels written large enough to be seen. And make sure you write them in permanent sharpie. Other markers smear and make it difficult for staff to read what you wrote.

On top of those wonderful tips, the Tampa Police Department has a couple more reminders of its own to make sure you stay within the parameters of the law while picking up and dropping off your child.

  • Try not to block a homeowner’s driveway while in the car line. Please be respectful of people who live around the school. Don’t park in their grass, don’t trap them in their homes, and don’t park in their neighborhood and have your child walk to the car.
  • After dropping your child off, remember you are still in a school zone. Watch your speed and be careful of all the kids who are walking and biking to school.

Every school and every car line is different. Listen to your school’s administration for the rules that are specific to your school.

And one last thing: If there’s ever a place to be a courteous and safe driver, it’s near a school with students running every which way. Your school’s teachers and administrators are working very hard to make sure kids get to and from school safely. Let’s do our best to help them out!

Photo credit: iStock-1438638915 | Originally published in the October 2024 issue of Tampa Bay Parenting Magazine.