Local Parents Dish on EGG-cellent Easter Hacks
We asked local parents to share their favorite Easter hacks to help inspire some new ideas for you! We are loving all of the responses and we think you will, too! Check them out:
Related: Our favorite Easter Egg Hunts and more this week in Tampa Bay!

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What to put inside plastic Easter eggs and Egg Hunt Ideas:
- Alycia G: I put change in eggs for my five-year-old. He loves adding the money to his piggy bank, and I don’t have to worry about it melting in our Florida heat!
- Jessica D: Putting LED lights from the dollar tree into the eggs makes for a super fun early morning glow-in-the-dark hunt before the baskets
- Kristy D: Non candy Easter basket gift idea…my daughter loves temporary tattoos so I put them in the Easter eggs that I hide around the house.
- Teena G: We stopped putting candy in our eggs years ago. For our morning egg hunt with just our kids, we do loose change and a few dollars, but for our big egg hunt everyone gets a treat bag at the end and whoever finds the most eggs gets a special prize (like a kite or bubble wand).
- Erin B: Make sure you count the eggs you hide to make sure you collect them all!
- Susan T: We do a glow stick in each egg and have a night Easter egg hunt.
- Bertha R: We love to get $2 dollar bills and put them in plastic eggs for our kids to find. It’s something my grandparents did for us so we like to keep that tradition going! Plus it gets you talking about a rare bill that they hardly see nowadays.
- Mandi M: We buy plastic eggs and fill them with a scavenger egg hunt. Makes it more fun than 2 boys fighting over who might get more eggs
- Amanda M: We assign each kid a colored egg so they each find an even amount!
Easter Egg Decorating Tips
- Amanda C: We bought an Egg-mazing to decorate our eggs. So fun!
- Dell E: We use whisks to dye eggs.
- Jennifer B: Put food coloring in a bag with rice and then add the eggs and shake. It is a fun way to dye eggs without getting super messy!
- Jessica R: Use a crayon to design the eggs before dipping, the wax area repels the color.
- Stephanie K: You can buy plastic dye-able eggs…there are fewer messes to clean vs using real eggs.
- Simone J: Boil eggs, soak in vinegar, dry, and roll in multi-colored cool whip for awesome tie-dye-looking eggs
- Michelle B: If you put salt in the boiling water when you boil your eggs, then when you dye them, they will be speckled!
- Jennifer S: Easter Hack this year is getting Cool Whip putting different color drops in it and putting our hard boil eggs through it should turn out like tie dye super excited.
Easter Basket Ideas:
- Melissa B: I buy the Valentine’s Day stuffed animals the day after Valentine’s Day for half price and put them in their Easter baskets (along with other things) and they love it! They don’t know it’s not “Easter” and I saved $$ win-win!
- Jen P: To prevent being “caught” and make the kids get excited, we have them set up their own baskets ((with grass, stickers, anything they want)) kind of like a Christmas tree but with a basket. Then we have them leave them by the back door on a table so that our dogs do not “scare” him away.
- Ashley J: We have a few bunnies that visit our yard so we went around dripping carrots and lettuce so they “the Easter bunny” find our house
- Shannon H: We have several special Easter Baskets the bunny has left over the years so now the kids pick which basket they want to put out and the bunny fills it. This way I won’t have a dozen baskets to get rid of and I don’t have to hide new ones before Easter.
- Katharina C: We like to give our kiddos science-themed easter things! (Bug-catching kits, stone collections, etc) fun educational things to do during spring! Learning about the earth, and all its creatures