Attendance Awareness Month – Show up & Be a Success!
My son is a senior in high school. There’s no doubt he will pass all his classes and graduate. I want him to enjoy his senior year. It’s okay if he misses a few days of school here and there, right?
My daughter is in seventh grade. She’s brilliant! She makes straight As without even really trying. She is on Canvas and can easily get her assignments from there. It’s okay if she misses a few days of school, right?
My baby is in kindergarten. She’s on level and doing well in school. We are planning a family trip to Disney World and want to leave the week before Thanksgiving Break to avoid the crowds. It’s okay if she misses that week of school, right?
The answer to all the above is NO!
September is School Attendance Awareness Month, and attendance is a top priority in Hillsborough County Public Schools. Missing just two days a month constitutes a student being chronically absent. Last year 30% of all students in HCPS were chronically absent. That is valuable instruction being missed.
Even the most intelligent child will struggle if they miss a day when a new unit or skill is being first introduced. It could take days or even weeks to catch up to the rest of the class. This isn’t just tough on the student, it’s also tough on teachers who then must continue to teach the rest of the class while trying to bring the others up to speed.
But don’t take our word for it. We asked some HCPS principals and teachers why they feel attendance is so important.

Jessica Kepa – Principal, Morgan Woods Elementary
“Studies show that children who are in regular attendance starting in kindergarten are much more likely to be proficient in third and fifth grade and much more likely to graduate high school.”
Brianne Melvin, Physical Education, Liberty Middle
“Attending class daily gives you consistency in routine that will ultimately help you pass your classes.”
Shannon Simpkins, 5th grade teacher, Chiles Elementary
“I would say attendance is probably more important than being smart. If you’re here we can work with you, we can help you, we can build on what your weaknesses are, we can make you stronger in that way. If you’re not here, it’s hard for us to know what you do understand and what you don’t understand.”
Alishia Marsh, Kindergarten teacher, Chiles Elementary
“Every Day, every minute matters. We want to make sure the kids are in the room feeling part of the community and we care about their learning and education – but we can’t help them if they’re not in the room with us.”
Christian Finch, Principal, Eisenhower Middle
“At the beginning of the school year, it’s really about establishing good patterns of behavior. If we can establish that routine and structure and system early on, you’re going to have a lot more success down the road.”
Hillsborough County Public Schools has created a website to stress the importance of good school attendance. The page includes a calendar where you can track your student’s attendance, and it also includes resources if you’re having trouble getting your student to school. Visit for more information.
Did You Know:
- By sixth grade, chronic absenteeism is a leading indicator that a student will drop out of high school.
- A student who misses 10 days a year is 25% less likely to go to college.
- Half the students who miss 2-4 days in September go on to miss nearly a month of school.
Every Day Matters.
Originally published in the September 2024 issue of Tampa Bay Parenting Magazine.